Wednesday, May 28, 2014

(Good) Excuses + Cringeworthy Walks in the Park

So, instead of making more blog posts, I've spent all my time buying throw pillows, eating banana gelato, and designing every single possible house I could ever own on the Internet.

Also, this: 
My "excuse".Not really.

Another thing - I have a story.

The other day, I was taking a walk in the park, listening to music and trying not to make eye contact with the people I pass by.

And a song came on (Mr. Brightside) as I was about to pass another person.

Before I continue, we need to add a backstory.
In the fifth grade, I participated in the school's talent show (everything was horrible).
Two boys in my class chose to sing Mr. Brightside, and my dad loved it (of course), and we downloaded the song.

So today, while meandering through the park by my neighborhood, I could SWEAR I saw him.
It ended up not being him, but that got me thinking what I would do in the instance that is was him.

Of course, he wouldn't recognize me, but God knows what I would say if he did.

"Oh, I'm not dead! I'm actually just homeschooled and like to creep on you and my other former classmates in my free time and this will most likely end up on my blog."
I'm convinced all my old friends from school think I died.

Whew. Close call.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pictures Of The Week (Cartoons and Cacti)

 Every place I go, I tend to spastically take pictures of everything, then delete the bad ones as I go.
Here is the aftermath.

I'm getting so excited for the tfios movie, I started to look up strange illustrations.

Star Wars. And Mary Poppins.
I screamed.
Meet Bruce.
And lastly, Bubba.

I'm kind of obsessed with tiny cacti/succulents.
My mother tells me it's a problem.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The University of Missouri Campus

 Good day!
This post is long overdue, so I decided to write it out before it got buried in my photo folder.

I apologize in advance for the unnecessary amount of pictures of the columns.

Also, the sky is unnaturally blue in all of these pictures. I swear it's not photoshopped. 

A memorial to the students from Mizzou who died in World War I and II.
Apparently, there is a secret group that carves their name on the top.

The columns of the Academic Hall, which is now long gone.
It is very strange to me that the entire building burnt down, but the columns remained perfectly fine.

Jesse Hall, where we awkwardly walked through amongst the busy college students.

Mmmmmm, artsy fartsy.

The best crooked picture that's even been taken.


A gift from the Chinese government.

All in all, I really like this place.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Winslow's Home + The Coolest Ladder Ever

Have you ever been so impressed by a meal that you refuse to eat anything the rest of the day so the wonderful taste of that fried egg sandwich you got wouldn't leave your mouth?

Every. Day.
Especially at this place.

This ladder reminded me of Beauty and the Beast.
I really wanted to give it a try, but my egg sandwich said no.

Said egg (and overpowering avocado) sandwich.

Artsy fartsy.
Kind of.

And before I end this, let me leave you with this diagram:
But hey, the car smelled *wonderful* on the ride home.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Lewis + Clark Expedition Museum

I went to the Lewis + Clark Expedition Museum on Friday, and I forgot to take a picture of the entrance and it was kind of anticlimactic and it was a failed blogging experience.


Tiny town.

Even tinier people.

I don't quite remember taking this.
It was in the stairwell.

Possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Shakespeare's Pizza: A Review

Shakespeare's Pizza: the only pizza place with Lord of the Rings pinball (as far as I'm aware).

It didn't light up for me, thank goodness.

I suggest reading the fine print more often.

*heavy breathing*

You know what I hate?
Dark bathrooms that translate into dark pictures.


So, in review:
Shakespeare's Pizza in Columbia, MO is one the best(est) establishments on planet Earth.
Anyone who says otherwise will be promptly pounded into the ground.

But maybe I'm biased.
Oh well.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Rock Bridge Memorial Park - A Hike Through the Mud (Ugh).

Oh, hey there.

Have you ever trudged through the mud so much that you start to enjoy it?
It happened.

Also, I found some trees that needed some privacy.

I was there. It was cool.


More eeks.

My brother just does not know how to pose for pictures.
Also, my sister is Spiderman.
Then there's me.

These things were everywhere.

I tripped.
Like twice.

Let it be known that right after I took this, two bats flew right by my head.

I didn't go back there.
Are you surprised?

How lush.

Let's all thank God that my dad didn't drop the camera.

Mmmmmm, mud.

Rinsing off.

Those trees.
Oh, sorry, I'll leave you guys alone.

This was taken right before I thought I was going to die from exhaustion.
The parking lot was right around the corner.